Jan 17, 2014

Turkey Trot 2013

Every Thanksgiving the city celebrates with a 5k that supports the city fire department.  I have run in the trot multiple times, but this year was my favorite.  Why? This year Jacob ran with me!  I have been waiting to be able to run together, and this was the year!  Jacob's PE teacher has been doing a program at school where the kids earn "toe tokens" (a plastic foot that fits on a bracelet) for running laps on the school track.  This kid has run so many miles over the last few months.  I asked if he wanted to do a 5k, and he agreed, and that settled it.  We asked Auntie Debbi if she wanted to run (she can always be counted on for a 5k), so she and Sayer joined us.  There was also a Little Gobbler run, so Libby joined the fun too!
Pre-race photo op with the pink fire truck

Jacob, Libby, Sayer on the truck

Libby in the Little Gobbler

Way to go Libby!!

Jacob and I coming up on the finish

Jacob kicked it in to high gear when he saw the finish line, left me in the dust!

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