Nov 19, 2013

Libby's 7th

What a 7 year old!  I am so proud of this little girl with a big personality.  Libby is always ready for anything and has more energy and spunk than the rest of our family combined!  Here are some pics from her party at Angelo's- a pottery painting studio...

Callie, Tuscani, Libby, Jo, and Piper

Crazy Gramps

The boys
Timothy, Jacob, Drake, Landon (and Jo again)

The studio also made a plate for Libby.  She put her handprint in the center, and each kid put a fingerprint along the outside edge.  Turned out cute - but too bad for you, I didn't take a picture of it.

Sweet Tallie and her mom's Halloween costume glasses.  I thought she was so cute!
And another guinea pig!  Libby named her baby "Fudge" and they are pretty cute together, except I found Fudge(and a present) in a drawer in Libby's bookcase yesterday...

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