Oct 10, 2013

Jacob is 10!!

Man! I have a kid who's 10!! Double digits!  Can this really be happening?  Jacob wanted a birthday party based on the book series Percy Jackson (greek mythology told and experienced by a middle schooler- hilarious).  So we painted some shields, ate some blue food (what Percy's mom does for him on his birthdays), and played a big game of capture the flag, with our swords and shields of course!

Celebrating at Red Lobster with grandma and grandpa

Frosting the Medusa cake
Adding her snake hair

the finished product

cupcakes at school

Pierson and his shield

the painting of the shields

Landon and Jo

crazy Uncle Ben

Ben's mini me Trustyn

Ashtyn and Jo

Tyler, Libby, Piper, and Lydia

getting ready for cake with the bubbly cauldron of blue kool-aid
(I have never made kool-aid before, and let me say, Libby pooped bright green the next day...disgusting!)

...and the grand finale is... the guinea pig! Jacob has been begging for a pet.  Let's just say this is our compromise between a his previous choices: a cat (which Matt has clearly made known that he is OUT if we get a cat) and a ball python (I think I might have to be OUT if we got a pet that wants to sneak up and eat you in your sleep)!  He named her Oreo for her black and white (she also has some sweet brown spots). She has been so sweet and he has been so proud!
Happy birthday to my sweet boy.  I love you more than I'll ever be able to tell you- I am so glad God made me your mom!

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